Noisy Neighbors, Loud Traffic, and Cutting it all Back with New Replacement Windows July 8, 2015 Many people have a tendency to close their windows and doors, run the central air conditioning system, and even take other measures in an effort to block out all of that extra noise. You might’ve gotten into the habit of using a fan as ‘white noise’ at night when you’re trying to sleep. This can certainly be effective, to some degree. There is something else you may be able to do that can cut back on a significant portion of the extraneous noise you’re hearing inside your home. That would be replacing your old, outdated windows with new, highly energy efficient windows. How do energy efficient windows cut out exterior noise? One of the priorities of any energy efficient window or door system is to reduce drafts. If you have a draft, it’s allowing air from outside to seep into your home, and warm air during the winter to escape. It’s also going to permit outside noise from filtering into your house much more easily. While triple glazed windows are quite a bit heavier and a more significant investment then the traditional double glazed windows, they can offer a great deal of soundproofing. This won’t cut out the noise altogether, but the stark difference between your current windows and brand new replacement windows would be amazing. You might actually sleep soundly at night once again without the aid of that ‘white noise.’