That New Entry Door for Your Home Should Be Professionally Installed January 13, 2017 You made a great decision. You purchased a high quality new front door for your home. Your old door was just a basic front door. It was not much wider than your other doors, including the side door and the door that leads from your garage into your house. The new door, though, is almost as wide as a full double door. It’s absolutely gorgeous. You are careful in your decision. You made sure there was plenty of room along the wall to install the door. Your entry landing area also had plenty of room to make a large entry door practical. You’re the handy type of person. You have some carpentry experience. So, you figure this is a good job for you to take on. You tell the window and door company not to bother sending an installer out; you’re going to take care of yourself. Why that’s a bad idea. That entry door from a quality manufacturer may come with a warranty. However, that warranty may be void unless you have it installed professionally, by somebody certified by the manufacturer itself. Are you confident in your ability to ensure the header is strong? Are you confident in your ability to make sure the siding matches properly? Are you confident that, once installed, it will be perfectly level so that it properly drains in the event rain or other moisture that cascades over it? Are you completely confident it will be as secure as advertised? There are so many things that can go wrong it’s simply not worth trying to save a few dollars, especially when you’re investing thousands in this new entry door.