Checking the Security of Your Front Door April 25, 2016 Set of keys in lock of old wooden door When was the last time you checked your front or other exterior doors for security? Most homeowners can’t report that they have actually done this deliberately. However, it’s an important aspect of home ownership. You want to make sure you and everyone in your house is safe at all times. The best way to do that is to analyze all of the weaknesses in your home. Most people with experience who want to break into a house will first attempt to do so at the main entry doors, including the front door and possibly even a side door. When nobody’s home, they will test these exterior doors to see which ones have the most ‘play.’ Play is basically the amount of movement a door can do within the door frame itself. The more play there is, the weaker the door happens to be. That also leads to more drafts during the winter heating season and summer cooling season. If somebody finds a lot of play in a front door, for example, they may simply insert a crowbar and pop the door open. This gives them almost far too easy access to your home. If you notice your entry doors are old, worn out, and have a lot of ‘play’ in them, it’s time to consider replacing them. The average exterior door should have a life expectancy of between 15 and 25 years. Anything more than that could be putting you and the rest of your family, and all of your possessions, at unnecessary risk. Where to begin the process. Once you notice the security of your entry doors is weak and compromised, contact Platinum Windows and Doors to speak to an experienced window and door professional who can help you determine the right products for your home, family, and budget.