If you’ve been kicking around the idea of building a porch enclosure at your house, it could very well be a wonderful idea. After all, your outdoor living space can...
[caption id="attachment_233" align="alignright" width="100"] Full View[/caption] A storm door may not seem all that important to some homeowners. However, they are becoming increasingly important for not only security, but...
Here are three signs that could indicate it’s time to replace that existing sliding glass patio door with something newer or completely different. 1. It is too difficult open and...
A great deal of attention is paid to entry doors for most Toronto area homeowners. But what about those interior doors? People often think of interior doors as just functional....
It may seem that a sliding glasspatio door is quite practical, but when you stop and really think about it, you realize how impractical it is. Any time you...
You might not have given the interior doors in your home much thought, but you should. Your interior doors, such as the doors that lead to your bedrooms, can say...
When you’re shopping around for new entry doors for your Toronto area home, you’ll have a number of options from which to choose. You can completely change the curb appeal...
If you’re like some Toronto area homeowners, you’ve probably heard that your windows could be costing you a significant amount of money every month on your heating and cooling expenses...
If you’re in the market for new replacement windows in your Toronto home, you might have come across (or will come across) the term ‘Low-E.’ This is a type of...
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